Jordan Clinic


On June 2nd 2009 Dr. Akiva Tamir travelled to Amman, Jordan, to screen Iraqi children.

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On June 2nd 2009 Dr. Akiva Tamir, Chief Pediatric Cardiologist, travelled to Amman, Jordan, to screen Iraqi children.

Dr. Tamir was equipped with the portable echo machine donated by SACH Holland. Thirty children and parents waited for Dr. Tamir as he arrived. They were all brought to Jordan by our partner organization, Shevet Achim, which assists in the coordination of the children’s arrival from Iraq. Shevet Achim also helps us bring children from Gaza to the weekly Cardiology clinic at the Wolfson Medical Center.

Dr. Tamir worked from 6 am until after dark. He examined 30 Iraqi children and one Jordanian child. Five children were found to need urgent treatment and will be coming to Israel in the next few days. The rest of the children will be brought to Israel in the coming months