Zanzibar Clinic


On February 17, 2006 the Save a Child’s Heart (SACH) medical team traveled to Zanzibar in order to hold a cardiology clinic.

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On February 17, 2006 the Save a Child’s Heart (SACH) medical team traveled to Zanzibar in order to hold a cardiology clinic.

The mission included Dr. Uriel Katz, pediatric cardiologist at the Wolfson Medical Center and Laura Kafif, the SACH housemother. The mission was in cooperation with Kinderhilfe Sansibar, a German foundation.

The mission took place both in Stone City and on the Island of Pemba.

In both locations, the SACH team and the German medical team examined 250 children both before surgery, which will arrive during the year for treatment under the SACH program in Israel, as well as children who have already been treated by SACH in Israel and are now being followed-up on.